The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took
and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds,
but when it has grown it is the greatest of
shrubs and becomes a tree . . . —Matthew 13:31-32
Another illustrated the wonder and mystery of God’s creation by noting that a watermelon seed has the power of drawing from the ground and through itself 200,000 times its weight. Though those who specialize in the field of botany and agronomy can understand the process of interaction between seed and soil, for many of us it remains a wonder and a mystery, as I believe it does even for those who understand the scientific process.
Mystery and wonder is tough to come by in this age of reality shows and reminders to be relevant. Though I understand the fascination with watching the lives of people unfold in alleged unscripted fashion, it sort of takes away the wonder and mystery of life.
Few things today are left to the imagination. I confess that the reality shows have no appeal to me whatsoever. I think it is their lack of imagination that does it for me, and the way in which so many dehumanize. I believe this is another reason why faith is out of fashion—it seeks to capture the imagination and involve us in some of the mystery and wonder of how God works in this world.
So, in the midst of your real work in a real world surrounded by real people, take some time to reflect on the ways in which God mysteriously works in the world. Get out and look at a flower, gaze upward toward the sky, watch a child at play, read the passage from Matthew to which I refer and contemplate the way this kingdom of love and light can be like leaven that begins in you and influences those around you.
Heavenly Father, you have created me in your image and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Capture my imagination this day with your matchless love that I may bask in all of the mystery and wonder that is around me. In Jesus name. Amen.
Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
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