Monday, September 27, 2010

What Really Matters

Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall
I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord. —Job 1:21

The person being interviewed was commenting on his research about the growing income disparity in the United States. His research revealed that the last time it was this great was the 1920s. Evidently the disparity in income between the rich and poor has been widening since the 1970s no matter the political party in power.

I think I was supposed to be alarmed by this. Disappointment and sadness was more of what I felt. At the same time the thought occurred to me that with all of the funerals I have had as a pastor, I have yet to see any one, no matter how nice the casket, urn, or crypt, take any money with them. I know the ancient Pharaohs tried, but they only provided loot for those who stole from their crypts.

This is not a gloomy thought as much as a reality check—death is a great leveler of status. The words of Jesus ring true—do not be anxious about the things of life (Matthew 6:25ff). What counts is what I do with what I have today. Do I speak the kind word to the person who is having a rough day? Do I share my wealth with those who have little? Do I spend a few minutes at the end of a day to debrief with my child, my spouse, or a friend? Do I read a passage from my Bible and reflect on what it says about the nature of God, humankind, and me? Do I end my day with a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s presence with me or a complaint?

Please don’t get me wrong—I think it would be terrific if there was a greater sharing of our wealth. While I may not have everything I want, I do have everything I need. I will certainly work and pray for those who do not. At the same time, I won’t be envious of those who have more. In eternity it really won’t matter.

Gracious God it is a new day. Before me is a new opportunity. Help me to lay aside the worries of yesterday’s failures and focus on the possibilities of this day lest tomorrow come and I have wasted them all. In the name of Christ. Amen.

Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

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