Tuesday, May 3, 2011


. . . for love is strong as death, jealousy fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame.
—Proverbs 8:6

I know that jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins and I think, at least in part, it is because we so seldom confess it either to ourselves or to another. Jealousy is corrupting and raises its ugly head in so many ways. I watched part of the royal wedding between “Will and Kate,” and noticed all of the women wearing hats. I saw some of the women so subtly glancing at the hat of the woman in front of and around themselves. Were the glances jealousy or admiration? A promotion granted someone else to a position we had desired and thought we deserved—will it be congratulations or covetousness? Another person’s house or successful child—will it be admiration or envy? A pastor appointed to a larger congregation—will it be jealousy or joy? Someone else driving a car we have always wanted—jealousy or feelings of joy for them?

Heraclitus said, "Our jealousy lasts longer than the happiness of those of whom we are jealous. Jealousy can eat us up long after the person’s success about which we are jealous has faded." I think that was the point Jesus was making when he encouraged us not to be anxious about what we eat, drink, or wear. Will our worry add a single hour to our span of life (Matthew 6:27). Likely anxiety driven by our desire to keep up and pass the person next to us will only shorten our life span.

I think of the jealousy that arose within King Saul that led him to try and kill David. Saul, this once first and great king of Israel, was ruined by his jealousy. The jealousy over the influence of Jesus’ ministry led to some Pharisees and Sadducees deciding to get rid of him.

Life is too short for us to be eaten up with some jealousy over what another person has or has achieved. As the Proverb says this jealousy is fierce as the grave.

Heavenly Father if there is envy or jealousy in my heart this day remind me of your love for me that I might once again return to the joy of being your child and thus genuinely rejoicing with others in their success. This I pray in the name of Jesus my Lord. Amen

C. Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

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