Monday, February 21, 2011

The Importance of Grief

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
-Matthew 5:4

Jalauddin Rumi, a Persian mystical poet, wrote:

I saw grief drinking a cup of sorrow and called out, 'It tastes sweet, does it not?' 'You've caught me,' grief answered, 'and you've ruined my business, how can I sell sorrow when you know it's a blessing?'

The short answer is you can't. Jesus was driving at a very important lesson about life-grieving is a part of life. Someone said that the falls of our life provide us with the energy to propel ourselves to a higher level. That's what Jesus was saying about grief-don't get lost in it, don't pretend loss does not affect you-grieve so that you can find the comfort needed so that you can move forward.

How many times in your life have dark times of despair, such as some kind of accident, an illness, a financial disaster, a breakup in a relationship, a fire or flood, or a death propelled you into the stages of anguish, anger, denial, and then grief? Like most of us, you sink into sorrow and feel the need to tell everyone about your misfortune. Ultimately, after a long period of time you begin to rise above it and reach the state of acceptance.

There is something to learn right here, right now in the middle of sorrow. You can take this lesson and taste the sweet certainty in the mystery. You don't have to pretend that the tragedy is to be liked or welcomed, only to vow to use it to generate the energy to move to a higher place in your life. Only then will you find in sorrow a blessedness that by the grace of God brings comfort and hope.

Heavenly Father, help me to place in your arms the grief of my moment or of my past that I may find in the bitterness of it all the sweet comfort of your grace through Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

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