Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Birth Reinforces Eternity

Where God was revealed to us.
Only the two of us know the magic and awe
of that presence.
Against all odds . . .
Our connection to eternity reinforced,
—Wayne W. Dyer

I hear the word, an overworked word now so devalued it has little emphasis at all—awesome. The word is applied to practically everything anymore—a house, an automobile’s acceleration, a piece of clothing, dessert. Is there any real wonder and awe anymore? Dyer was writing of the awe of his wife conceiving when it was against all odds. The birth of their daughter became for them, as does for so many of us with children, our connection to eternity.

If there is anything in life that is awesome, it is childbirth. It’s a miracle that an infinite number of cells can all come together over a period of time that result in a child with a certain color of hair and eyes along with all of the right number of fingers and toes. It is an awesome privilege to witness it.

In spite of Mary’s song and Joseph’s will, I wonder if either one fully realized their connection to eternity that awesome night with Jesus? Indeed, Jesus became the connection to eternity for us all in a very special way. We no longer have to wonder that it will be—only to know that it will be wonderful! I am in awe when I think about it and infinitely grateful for it, that God chose to be present with us through two very real but human beings that against all odds reinforced and strengthened our connection to eternity.

Gracious God, I stand in awe that from the beginning what had only been a word for you became flesh and dwelt among us. I give thanks today that you knitted me together in my mother’s womb, and that I have been fearfully and wonderfully made. If in praying these words I do not yet feel them, then let me sometime during the course of this season feel them once again. Amen.

C. Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Let the Light Shine

In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

-John 1:4-5

It is darkest before the dawn, is a phrase in common usage. I have used this phrase frequently but have not understood its origins. It refers in actual fact to that period a little past halfway through the night when the sun is directly on the opposite side of the planet. The Irish, very early, incorporated it into their sayings. A seventeenth century theologian, Thomas Fuller, is credited with first putting it in print.

The phrase means that there is hope, even in the worst circumstances or our darkest hours. It is certainly the heart of this passage from John which is one of my very favorite passages in scripture. In Jesus, God becomes more than a word, but one who brings light to the darkness of our lives. It is everywhere in the natal story. It is in the star that guided the wise men. It is in the aura surrounding the angel appearing to the shepherd. And, it is the sole contribution of John's gospel to the advent of Jesus.

There are so many inspiring aspects of the birth story-a young, single, pregnant woman, a gallant man, impoverished shepherds, wealthy wise men, angels, an evil king, etc. As inspiring as these are, the idea that God in Jesus placed light in our darkness, hope in our despair, presence in our loneliness, love in the midst of hatred, peace in the presence of struggle, gives me goose bumps.

Perhaps you are in the midst of a dark moment today. Remember that by the tender mercy of our God, the dayspring from on high is broken upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness . . . [and] to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:78-79).

Heavenly Father, I am grateful on this new day for the promise of light when darkness surrounds me, hope when despair is close at hand, and peace in the midst of wars. Let me be filled with your light today that I may let that light shine through me that others may be witness to your glory in this Christmas season and throughout all of life. In the name of him in whom your love is fully known, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

C. Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana

Monday, December 6, 2010

In the Silence

Let never music sound
Unless an angel make it;
Let stillness reign around
Until a seraph break it-
No song was ever noble
As the unsullied wide
Prairies of silence sleeping
In peace on every side.
-Sara Teasdale

Have you ever stopped on a prairie side as you rushed from Indiana's flats to Denver's mountains? There is a roadside park on I-70 between Topeka and Manhattan, Kansas offering such an opportunity. One night as I returned from one of the frequent trips to see my parents, who were living in Kansas, I stopped at that place. It was late and there were few people there. The prairie sky was ablaze with stars that seemed so close you could touch them. There was occasional silence from the highway as I sat there on a picnic table watching the stars.

What if in the midst of that silence the heavens sang for joy? There were times during that brief moment on a prairie side I felt they were singing. Would I have heard them sing in my car if I continued the race home and had not stopped? Would I have heard them in any other place where traffic could have deafened my thoughts?

I think the shepherds sharing part of the eternal silence of quiet pastures when the heavens sang for joy! It was perhaps because of this silence that they were able to witness heaven's choir as they sang Glory to God. The angelic stars proclaimed a message that something wonderful had happened, so compelling the shepherds left their flocks and hurried to an otherwise sleepy town.

I wish for you during this Advent season on some evening that a few moments of stillness reigns around you until a seraph break it with a whispered voice and tells you God has good news of great joy which is for you. I hope you are close to some simile of a prairie side and that you pull over with your life long enough to listen for their song.

Gracious God thank you for the music of the spheres. Grant to me moments to slow down and in the silence that reigns, if only for a time, may I hear your voice loud and clear-I have good news which is of great joy and it is for you-a savior has been born-Christ the Lord. Amen.

Mac Hamon, Senior Pastor
Castleton United Methodist Church
Indianapolis, Indiana